Meet Our Team

Scott Kirschke


Scott Kirschke is the sole owner of Frost Lake Logging
Ltd. and Cobalt Resources Ltd., founded the Frost
Group, and acts as the CEO of all companies in the Frost

Terry O’Neill

Senior Project Manager

Terry is the primary project manager for all construction
related activities. Terry has managed large projects with
Coastal Gas Link, Shas Resources, Site C, Altagas, and
others. Terry has also created most of the RFQ and bid
packages for Civil and ROW clearing for Halfway River
Frost LP. Terry has been the manager on various
construction jobs for over 40 years.

Jessica Hirsch, BSc

General Manager

Jessica oversees business operations and develops
strategic planning to optimize productivity. She
consistently improves organizational effectiveness by
developing processes, mentoring employees,
establishing a team environment, and implementing
innovative changes.

Denny Lai, RPF, EIT

Survey & Quality Control

Denny has been involved with both the engineering and
civil departments, completing quality control for
numerous civil projects. Denny is completing his
P.Eng. designation.

Aaron Sarrazin

Safety and Operations Manager

Aaron comes to the Frost Group from the Coastal
GasLink project. Aaron is well versed as a former safety
consultant and executive. Aaron brings with him a great
deal of experience, knowledge, and contact in the

Tyler Ellery

Equipment Manager

Tyler is Frost Lake’s Master Mechanic. Tyler runs the
Frost Lake shop in Prince George and coordinates
detailed equipment maintenance, handles purchase
decisions, and liases with numerous suppliers. Tyler has
over 20 years of experience in senior operation roles.

Nick Smith, CPA

Chief Financial Officer

Nick Smith is an accomplished financial officer with
exceptional knowledge of accounting and practical
financial, cash flow modelling, budgeting and strategic
planning skills. Nick has demonstrated leadership skills
and a passion for strategy.

George Hemeon

First Nations Liaison

George plays a critical role in our First Nation
partnerships. George helps build capacity and maintain
positive community development and effective
relationships between industry and local communities.